
Why is self-love so important? Self-love comes from a place that is often overshadowed by our ego. Our ego is what we, and others think of us or think we are. It is not easy to dig through that layer and find a way to indulge in self-love.


You may be wondering why is it necessary in the first place? If we are constantly listening to bad advice or interpreted ideals about ourselves then we may find we are on the wrong path. That in fact we are not following our essential nature and we may be going against our authentic self. When this occurs we suffer internal and external conflict and find ourselves living life by simply surviving, rather than living the life we deserve.


Self-love comes when we firstly acknowledge that we need it and deserve time-invested in it. Then comes acceptance. Acceptance is a huge value many of us have trouble living by as it often means working towards things we already resist.


Here are a few simple steps to initiate self-love;


  • Accept?that you need to develop self-love.
  • Commit?to you by taking action; making time for things you love.
  • Value?yourself.


Commit?to you. This is very important as many of us find committing to improving ourselves very difficult and make plenty of excuses as to why we can’t. You will only benefit in a positive way when you take action and commit to self-love.


When you start to find self-love you value yourself, you pay tribute to yourself and you give back to yourself. This also is very important, as we require balance in our lives to feel good and move forward happily and healthily.


5 Top Tips on how to engage in self-love;


  • Find 10 minutes a day to give back to yourself i.e. reading, walking, laughing, swimming, meditating, stretching, breathing, singing, surfing, listening to music, anything you love to do.
  • Be kind with your words when speaking about yourself, chose carefully.
  • De-stress, re-energise and relax.
  • Be honest with yourself, without being critical or judgmental.
  • Look for inspiration and feed off it, lift your energy and vibration so you can receive more.


Only YOU can instigate and action self-love. Take responsibility for this and enjoy the benefits. Only great things come form learning about who you are and how to love yourself. I believe everything starts and finishes with self-love.