How Does Being Kind Make Us Healthy?

Kindness to others is like water is to plants and flowers. Kindness helps us grow, blossom and develop. Kindness can help us develop our strengths, give us confidence and inspire others to be kind. Therefore being kind is healthy for us.

If we do not show kindness we are not showing our best. When we do something kind for someone else we feel happy and it has a ripple effect on?all others around us.

What is the opposite of being kind? It is being unkind. Let?s look at how they both make us feel;

Being Kind

  • Makes us feel happy and joyful
  • Releases feel good hormones like endorphins
  • Encourages others to do the same

Being Unkind

  • Makes us feel sad and cranky
  • Releases negative feelings
  • Can encourage others to act in the same way

You can see the differences and how important it is to always be kind.?Can you think of a time when you could show someone kindness?

Perhaps you noticed someone missing out, as she/he did not seem to have the confidence to join in. By going and asking them if they would like to join in you are showing kindness and showing others what a great example you are of bringing people together.

When we act in kindness it makes our hearts smile and we feel great. We are smiling on the inside and the out. How good is that!






What happens when we do not bother to show kindness? Not much really. We can go for days without being kind and that is not good for us. The more we act in kindness the happier we are. You can imagine the difference in our family, community and world if we all showed some kindness every single day. Wow imagine all the positivity!

I am going to ask you to try and remember to do something kind every day. Here are some ideas to help you get started;

  • Make a new friend
  • Tell someone something nice like they have nice hair or a nice smile
  • Offer to help out at home
  • Ask your teacher if you could help out
  • If you see someone struggling give them a hand
  • Give your time to another
  • Keep your room tidy
  • Tidy the lounge room
  • Use kind words always
  • Feed your pet
  • Smile at others

Ok your turn; start writing down some of your ideas to help you get started with a list of kindness.

Remember being kind is healthy. Kindness rules. Always say and do kind things.

Be Kind